Plaster College of Business and Entrepreneurship

St. 查尔斯,莫. / St. 路易斯,莫.
Advertising and Public Relations (BA)

St. 查尔斯,莫. / St. 路易斯,莫.
Advertising and Public Relations (BA)


St. 查尔斯街/圣. 路易斯-广告和公共关系学位课程

Bachelor of Arts (BA) offered in On-campus formats.


澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学的广告和公共关系项目提供St. 密苏里州路易斯分校致力于提供以行业为重点的课程. 我们的学生学习通过各种媒体进行交流,通过实际的应用获得行业知识, real-life projects, and professional events.



Advertising and Public Relations Course Requirements


"The only constant is change.” 这种说法尤其正确,因为消费者的品味在不断变化,消费者用来与产品和服务互动的媒体也在不断变化. We are exposed to up to 5,000 ads per day on personal computers, on our telephones, 在加油站, in movie theaters, 在包装汽车上, in bathroom stalls, on stickers placed on fruit, and during sporting events. 像广告, 公共关系 is everywhere, 当从业者努力为个人和公司获得编辑报道时.

随着消费者在消费产品和服务时留下数字痕迹,数字媒体重塑了广告游戏. 如果企业不能量身定制能够反映目标受众并与之产生共鸣的活动,就有可能失去客户. Consumers desire a dialogue with brands, and social media (tweet, video, 闲谈,聊天, 帖子, 标签, 博客)是广告商与现有和潜在客户交流的理想工具. 公司需要精明和知识渊博的人来应对不断变化的情况. This could be you.

"Advertising is based on one thing: happiness!" Don Draper, Mad Men. What is advertising? 广告是一种付费的说服性传播,它使用非个人的大众媒体以及其他形式的互动传播,将已确定的赞助商(品牌)与目标受众联系起来. "Without promotion, something terrible happens...没有什么!" P.T. Barnum, Greatest Showman. Public Relations is also a form of communication; it is telling the right thing...公共关系还包括社会倾听,以了解是什么引导消费者谈论品牌. “如果你不喜欢别人说的话,那就换个话题。”唐·德雷珀,《澳门威尼斯人平台官网》.

During your studies, 你将不断提高你在研究方面的专业技能, 策略, 创造力, writing and management. And sometimes, working on real clients and real brands!


这圣. 路易斯广告和公共关系文学学士学位课程包括广告课程, 艺术与设计, 业务, 通信, 数字, 市场营销, 公共关系以及经验的机会, 接触到现实世界的应用和参与你未来的职业生涯. During your studies, 您将被介绍到主题(1000级和2000级课程),然后是强化,您可以练习您所学的内容(3000级课程),并以精通课程结束,允许您开发自己的活动(40000级课程)。.


你们将由一些最热心的圣. Louis advertising and 公共关系 practitioners. They have the educational background and real-world, professional skills in advertising, 公共关系, and strategic 通信. 他们了解不断变化的行业格局,并将为你毕业后的下一步做好准备, 无论是在你选择的领域从事职业,还是继续在研究生院接受教育.

Learn more about the faculty.

Earning Advertising Ethics Certification

The American Advertising Federation, 与广告道德协会(IAE)合作, 开创了一个新的广告专业证书机会, 公共关系, and 市场营销 通信 专业人士. 基于道德对消费者日益增长的重要性, 专业人士, and clients; the half-day session prepares students to understand and resolve the ethical dilemmas in the real word of advertising. 


Employment opportunities for graduates are in nine areas: 1) Account Services; 2) Advertising; 3) Account Strategy; 4) Content Development; 5) Content 管理; 6) Design and Production; 7) Digital Media (uses 数字 platforms); 8) Interactive Media; and 9) Public Relations and Strategic Communications.

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You can earn prestigious industry awards!